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Digital Systems Fundamentals (FPGA)

Digital systems principles are a fundamental knowledge that any electrical engineer, independently of their specialization, must have. Understating the principles of digital systems, not only opens the engineer’s perspective about logic, Boolean algebra, different number systems and real applications of the subject into FPGA and automation, but it also provides a strong foundation from which a career in a wide variety of engineering fields can be built.


This book is heavily constructed of the work that I did while I was an undergraduate student at the University of Central Florida in the Electrical Engineering program. Block diagrams were created using PowerPoint, and all simulation images for FPGA, Test-Benches and others were generated in my personal computer while I was working on understanding and experimenting with course material and practical concepts.


Most of this book was sent through web courses in 2020 and rated positively (green check mark) as written in my own words in my university Turnitin account


General concepts were studied from the books and documents cited in the references section. In addition to my experimentation with Verilog and FPGA, this book contains common and fundamental knowledge about the field which is readily available in literature.

This book in the Kindle version also contains YouTube Video that I have created as support material for the written content. I will continue to improve this book’s content’s and to create and embed complementary videos for some time until I think the book got to its highest possible level for an introductory Digital Systems Course.


The purpose of this document is to provide students with an additional resource for their learning, fostering curiosity and aiding in self-study. Certain images, diagrams and definitions included in my notes are sourced from the book: “Fundamentals of Logic Design by Charles H. Roth, Jr. Fourth Edition”


Some of the relevant topics that can be found in this document are:


• Boolean Algebra

• Introduction to Number Systems

• Binary Arithmetic

• Minterm and Maxterm Expansions

• Truth tables

• Karnaugh Maps (K – maps)

• Multi-level Gate Networks

• Multiplexers

• Decoders

• Programable Logic Devices (PLC)

• Read Only Memories (ROM)

• Set – Reset Flip-flops

• Trigger Flip-flops

• Clocked T Flip-flops

• J-K Flip-flops

• D Flip-flops

• Counters

• State Machines

• More related topics


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